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Piano Book Music for little Mozart: Lesson Book Level 4

Workbook used in conjunction with Work Book 


Piano course for children aged 4-6 years from America on a musical adventure with Mozart, Beethoven and their friends.


There are 4 levels in total, consisting of Lesson Book, Work Book, Discovery Book and Music CD (1 box contains 2 discs).

Additional exercises are Notespeller Book and Rhythm speller book




Lesson Book 4 is the last in the Music for Little Mozarts series. After a review, the new concepts taught are: Flat and sharp sign; tie; Crescendo and diminuendo. After reviewing C position and Middle C position, G position is taught. All three positions are used alternately throughout the rest of the book, with flat and sharp notes incorporated. When the student is finished with Lesson Book 4, he/she moves either into Alfred's Basic Piano Library, Prep Course, Level C or Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Level 1B.

Piano Book Music for Little Mozarts: Music Lesson Book 4

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